New Pencil UPDATE…

Tools were downed today in the Secret Pencil studio as a special package arrived from none other than Anish Kapoor. After much tea and discussion, the conclusion was simple, Marsyas by Anish Kapoor is still the best exhibit in the Tate Modern Turbine Hall followed hot on the heels by Olafur Elliason’s Weather Project.

If you have 29 minutes spare, the film at the bottom of this link, is a very worthwhile watch.



Secret Pencils & Paul Smith

We are delighted to announce that Secret Pencils will be working very closely with Paul Smith in the coming weeks. We can’t quite say in what capacity yet, but as soon as things are confirmed news will be posted here…

This is Paul’s office – as supporters of the chaotic creative environment, we love this image, we love this studio!



The lovely people at METRO printing have agreed to be our ‘Print Partners’ for the project. For us to have a personalised and direct relationship to London’s best print shop means the world! They are supporting us with a variety of special printing requests as well as our framing and mounting needs! Special shout out to Kate !



Secret Pencils & TEDx

Kept very much under wraps until after the event, SecretPencils was invited back in the summer to do a TEDx talk at the TEDxClapham. Now that the day happened without major mishap or forgotten lines, we can talk about it and use it to spread the good word of ‘The Pencil’ Alex drew the short straw and went under the spotlight on the day, but the content of the talk was from the hearts of both SecretPencil founders, Alex & Mike…
So, take 8 minutes and 2 seconds of your day to learn some fun-facts about pencils and keep a look out for what is apparently a made-up word somewhere in the talk!
If you like it, spread the word, tweet it, circle it, re-tube or go old-school and email it.

TEDx Secret Pencils

Screenshot 2015-04-01 13.44.58

More great news….

Everyone knows of Christie’s, Bonhams & Sotherby’s, the worlds most famous auction houses, but what is the fine art world doing to keep at pace with the demand for online services? Paddle8 is your answer, and here, in the their words…
“Paddle8 is the auction house for the 21st-century collector. We give a global community of passionate collectors unprecedented access to online auctions of high-caliber inventory”

We are very pleased to have agreed that our charity auction will be hosted by Paddle8.
It is early days but once again, more news will appear on this site soon.

In the meantime, have a browse at the current auctions on Paddle8 today



The Secret Pencil project is now officially ‘in support of’ Children in Crisis

We believe it is the perfect partnership, which hopefully will lead to many years of mutual support.  Our aim is to help support a new generation of creative heroes within their educational programs across the globe.

For a more detailed explanation of how the Secret Pencil project aims to do this – watch the TEDx Talk here

And to read up on Children in Crisis and the wonderful work they do, head here