In early 2015, the nice people at Heathrow offered their EXPO space to SecretPencils within the T5 Check-In area to help promote the project and our partner charity Children in Crisis.  We aren’t going to lie, it turns out that installing ANYTHING in an airport is a very challenging task.  We embarked on a steep learning curve helped along the way, by the Paul Smith team, BAA & our very patient contractors P&A Shoplifting.  Over-night on the 14th October, the 3.5 metre pencil sculpture was installed and it will be there until the end of November 2015.  There will also be video screens through-out T5 showing a fleeting animation which promotes the creative brilliance, simplicity and accessibility of the pencil.

So, if you are passing through T5 sometime over the next 6 weeks, head to the right-hand end (as you enter the check-in area) and look for a massive pencil.  Images and project info wrap the sculpture and if you are lucky there will be some free postcards there too. If there aren’t any left, head to the Paul Smith T5 shop (through security) where you’ll find plenty more. Prints and posters are for sale there too!

Happy Travels

Alex & Mike


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